Hops N Lops Sky’s The Limit

Sky-June 2021.JPG

DOB: 02/04/2019
Dam: Hops N Lops Something Wycked 3*M
Sire: *B Begley’s-Troubled-Acre Skywlkr


We welcomed Sky in January of 2021. After having made the decision to purchase a buck we were excited to bring these genetics into our herd. Sky possesses very similar genetics to that of Hops n Lops Galaxy whom we were very impressed by the kids we saw in 2021.  

We do have several animals of relation in our herd but are excited to blend these lines and see what we will get. One of our favorite does to freshen in 2021 was by Skywalker and now we have a son of his to use for ourselves! 


Photos Courtesy of :
Hops N Lops Farm: Dam, granddam; dam’s litermate, paternal sister, maternal sister
Fiengo Farm: Progeny photos